Savorish Issue 1

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44 pages, published 13 DEC 2011

A magazine made by freshmen at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy about restaurants, recipes, and all things food-related in Austin, TX.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Russel's Bakery: A Restaurant For Everyone

Everyone has a favorite food, and so naturally people like different restaurants. Yet, most people agree that a restaurant needs to be something you experience, a place you want to enjoy being. Whoever your interests, Russel's is the perfect local restaurant for you.

They really do cater to everyone. It is the perfect place to meet some friends for a casual lunch, grab a coffee on the way to work, or even have a business discussion. Upon entering, you will note the age difference, from children getting a treat after school, to stay-at-home moms conversing over a lengthy lunch, and even older people reading as they enjoy a drink. But how does Russel's manage to do this? Simple, they have an easily accessible location, great food, and a wonderful atmosphere. It is near an elementary school, so they catch a number of joggers and parents stopping by after dropping off or picking up their kids. They have free WiFi, so college students will stop in to study, and business reps. can get internet on their laptops. They have medium lighting with window wall on one side, which provides enough natural light to read by and a view.

Pumpkin Bisque Soup
Yet the pastries and soups are what sets Russel's apart. The range of sweets is enough to mistily a longing child for a minutes and convince you to break your diet "just this once." But don't go eating your desert first! The soups are a perfect blend of spice combined with a rich creamy texture. They have a variety of different soups, so the menu changes daily--but don't worry, it will be hard enough to pick favorites (though my personal favorite is the pumpkin bisque).

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