Savorish Issue 1

If you want to purchase a copy of our magazine.....



44 pages, published 13 DEC 2011

A magazine made by freshmen at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy about restaurants, recipes, and all things food-related in Austin, TX.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Inception: A Dream within a Cookie

Being the dork of a high schooler that we are stereotyped to be, I attended a six week math camp over the past summer. Though the first year camp attenders were not tortured in any way, our counselors might as well have just done so. We were surprised by an evil, cunning plan proposed by our counselors: making us start our businesses over the course of the six weeks. As terrifying as it sounded, we were given a forty dollar pity contribution from our camp counselor Andrew and then shoved out to be swallowed by the wolves.
So, as I am one of those boring, uncreative people that panics whenever the idea of designing or planning something is brought up, I fled to my sister (over email) and begged her for some ideas. She was not very helpful. I tried something that I had seen her do before (I definitely did not read about her cookie business in her middle school diary). As there were other idea-stealers at camp, there was quite a bit of cookie competition. And the main problem here was that the only way that we could even get any people to buy our products was to somehow be different from others. Taking inspiration from a fellow classmate who sold cookies a throughout our last school year, I stumbled upon this idea of inception cookies.
To make it clear, I have had people look at me questioningly and comment that inception cookies sound "sketchy", but they are merely Oreo cookies smushed between two chocolate chip cookies. Two very, very delicious, warm chocolate chip cookies. I found a recipe online here, and as the follow-along pictures and explanation were very helpful, the first batch turned out pretty darn good looking.

Photo credit to Teena, my sister.

Fresh out of the oven. And yes, they were even more delicious than they look.

So, even though our company did end up making around $120 including the $40 start-up (or pity donation, as my group liked to call it), we did end up putting way too much work into the project. (Even as baking may be fun, it gets a little... monotonous.... after baking about two batches a day for a few weeks). We sold each cookie for fifty cents, and in the last two weeks we incorporated some Oreo Cake Balls into our company as well. They are very easy to make and a recipe and instructions can be found here. Enjoy.
Anyhow, something to take away from this ridiculously over-worded rant: math camp is actually fun (I promise) and inception cookies are quite delectably delicious.



  1. I love inception cookies! Their deliciousness is represented well here.

  2. yum! the picture really drew my attention and got me to read your post!

  3. t minus twenty four minutes to lunch. trying to make it, staring at this FREAKIN DELICIOUS COOKIE! I might just cry. :(

    master radif (since the :comment as" tab doesn't like me.)

  4. Those look delicious! I'm sure I have 50 cents around here somewhere if you happen to start your business up again... :)
