Savorish Issue 1

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44 pages, published 13 DEC 2011

A magazine made by freshmen at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy about restaurants, recipes, and all things food-related in Austin, TX.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Pessimist's View on Life, the Economy and Blue Bamboo Viet-Thai Grill

by Culinary Queen

After eating Chinese food swimming in seas of grease, and rubbery “Thai” chicken, I was quite skeptical when we ordered takeout from the Blue Bamboo Viet-Thai Grill. To be honest, I was expecting an experience identical to my previous ones: oily noodles, tasteless chicken and undercooked rice. Feel free to call me a pessimist.

My opinions changed once the food was sitting on the kitchen counter. Slightly. The thing is, the food smelled good. Still, I refused to get excited. After all, good smells could mean one of two things:

  1. The dished had been fried and greased and oiled to appeal to the primal part of all of us which is hardwired to enjoy oil and sugar.
  1. The food was actually tasty.
I hadn’t actually decided which option I was going with as I plopped an appetizer on my plate. Looking at the pieces of well-marinated chicken on a skewer, I couldn’t find any faults in its appearance. I bit into it and my pessimism receded quite a bit. The dish is called the Satay and it is amazing.
Doesn't that look good?

          Photo by Culinary Queen

I was looking forward to the entree with a more the-glass-is-half-full, every-cloud-has-a-sliver-lining sort of attitude. Good choice too, because my Thai-Basil Chicken was just as good as the appetizer.

If you’re a stickler for facts and need to know exactly what is in your food before you eat it, here they are. The menu describes it as “stir-fried chicken with veggies and spices”. The veggies include carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, and onions; small pieces of chicken are mixed in. The dish comes with steamed rice. Thai-Basil Chicken is a definite recommendation on my part.

My brother, the idealist vegetarian, ordered Spring Noodles (minus the tofu) which I thought were the best of all. Very simple: just egg noodles and veggies (tofu if you’re adventurous) but is very tasty. Be warned though, if you are one of those people who is revolted by even a slight taste of oil, I would not get this dish. That being said, there was not an excessive amount of oil; I would say there was less oil/grease content in the food from Blue Bamboo as compared to other Asian restaurants.
Spring Noodles: Notice the bell peppers and broccoli
                Photo by Culinary Queen 

By the time our plates had been emptied, I wasn’t a complete optimist in the area of Asian food, but it would be safe to say that my opinions had changed quite a bit. Thank you, Blue Bamboo.
You can find the complete menu here.


  1. That sounds really good! I really liked the way that you reviewed this instead of just saying that you thought it was really good, because... Also the pictures made it look really good :)

  2. Yum! I think I need to order some takeout now. Your photos, too, definitely add to your credibility as a reviewer -- nice touch.
