Savorish Issue 1

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44 pages, published 13 DEC 2011

A magazine made by freshmen at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy about restaurants, recipes, and all things food-related in Austin, TX.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Opinion Leads: Healthy Foods are better than Cheaper Unhealthy Foods

1. Direct Address Lead

You walk into a grocery store, and you encounter a problem. Should you buy a bag of chips, or get some apples? In this case, you would probably go with the bag of chips because they would most likely be cheaper, and you would get more food for a less price. You would reason with yourself that even if you wanted to get something healthy, you wouldn’t be able to buy it because healthy foods are expensive. But take a look at the ingredients on the back of the bag, there are many saturated fats, which could raise the risk of heart disease . Healthy foods are better for the health and welfare than cheap foods, even if they are slightly more expensive.

2. Compare and Contrast

In the past, families would enjoy a nice home cooked meal, with many assortments and diversity of the food pyramid, which is healthy and the way people were meant to eat and cook for many years. Nowadays, people seemed to have lost the time and effort it takes to cook or buy healthy foods, it also appears that we do not have money either. They buy cheap foods, sometimes fast foods, because for one, it is cheap and costs them little, they can eat it quickly, and it is easily accessible, with chain shops and fast food restaurants everywhere. But maybe it is better to eat a home cooked meal, because you manage to eat healthy, and it is cheaper to eat a home cooked meal than to eat out. Healthy foods are better for the health and welfare, and could even be cheaper than unhealthy foods.

3. Direct Address Lead

You are faced with a hard decision, either to buy the bag of Doritos, or to buy some apples. The bag of Doritos, which would offer a temporary solution to your hunger, would also be detrimental to your health , since it contains saturated fats, which could increase your risk in hear disease. The apples however, would cost more and there would be less food for you to eat. The right and best choice for you to make would be to buy the apples, besides it being a common known fact, also because a apples would be more healthy and keep you energized throughout the day. Healthy foods are better for your welfare and for you health much more so than cheaper unhealthy foods.


  1. I like the Compare and Contrast lead the best because it is catchy and is excellent writing.

  2. I also liked the compare and contrast lead the most, mainly because the other two leads seemed very similar and a little bit cliche. The compare and contrast almost makes the reader feel guilty for not following your advice. Plus, the writing is very descriptive.

  3. I think that the first one could work, but writing in second person does not work for it very well. This goes for the third one as well. The second option is probably your best bet, but you should revise it so that it isn't as repetitive.

  4. I liked the compare and contrast lead it caught my attention by the way we were supposed to eat rather than we do.

  5. Da Purpleninja(megatainment)October 5, 2011 at 8:33 AM

    I like the compare and contrast one. It seems to be the most interesting, and I can relate to it.

    Need to spell check guys.
    It is kind of repetitive (sorry :P)
    Is okay but you basically just take #1 and then flip them around to make #3, which has no originality

  7. They're good, but there's too much information hitting you all at once inn the beginning of all the leads. Wait until the reader is fully immersed in the paper, and then hit them with the facts. I like the last one the best though.

  8. I really like the compare and contrast lead. I think that if you use that one people will get really interested in the article

  9. I like the compare and contrast lead, because I think people can relate to it and it will draw the reader in.

  10. I like the 1st and 2nd, but I think you need to include more specific details to bring to life whichever one you choose.
