Savorish Issue 1

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44 pages, published 13 DEC 2011

A magazine made by freshmen at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy about restaurants, recipes, and all things food-related in Austin, TX.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Short n' Sweet: A Vietnamese Cafe

Short n’ Sweet is a Vietnamese cafe that I went to this weekend, it’s a little shop that houses great drinks and desserts. The walls are colorfully painted with colorful bubbles that cover all four walls. Also adorning the walls are various fan arts and drawings, the cafe also has t-shirts and a large painting of their “mascots”, two cartoon characters, a girl and a boy, called Short and Sweet respectively. The walls are lined with many jars, each labeled in Vietnamese, and containing a different and unique snack. I would suggest asking the counter clerk before trying them, since most of them are extremely bitter, excessively sour, or burn-your-mouth spicy.
If you try to pick without knowing what you're eating, then it is similar to Russian Roulette

They have three circular menus behind that counter which you can pick from. The three main types of drinks that they serve there are smoothies, pearl drinks, and slushies. The cup sizes are cleverly named Short, the smallest, Sweet, which is medium sized, and Big Boy, the largest cup. My favorite drink to order there is the strawberry slushie, which is very sweet and sour. Their signature drink however, is one of the most interesting drinks that I have ever tried; it is called the Crazy Drink. This drink is composed of many different and complex yummy ingredients. I would attempt to describe what exactly makes up this delicious drink, but even after many years of going there, I still cannot pinpoint all of the ingredients exactly. When you first receive it, there are many different colored objects, with colors ranging from blue to pink. There are also pearls, small marble shaped dots, and much, much more. It is essentially chaos in a cup. When you take the first sip, you get a sip of the sweet, tea based water, which is then cut off by the arrival of the other components, which are meant to be chewed. Some have the consistency on gum, and take a while to swallow; others seem light and airy and dissolve in your mouth. The entire flavor of the drink all together is hard to describe besides sweet and savory, and especially addicting.

The Crazy Drink

Short n’ Sweet is a very good place to go if you want to sample some Vietnamese drinks or snacks. The staff is friendly, and the atmosphere of the restaurant is happy and playful, you should come down and try some drinks for yourself to see. You can see the location, contact information, and reviews here.

The three menus ( the 4th one is ice cream)
Photos Courtesy of Yelp
Have a sweet day!
-Chocolate Rabbit


  1. You make that Crazy Drink sound like the drink of God, or something magical! The candy doesnt look too appetizing, but I still really would like to eat there!
    ~Jiyoon (:

  2. Sounds like such an interesting and creative place! The Crazy Drink does sound a little crazy for my taste but who could pass up a rainbow drink???

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