Savorish Issue 1

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44 pages, published 13 DEC 2011

A magazine made by freshmen at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy about restaurants, recipes, and all things food-related in Austin, TX.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pho: Vietnamese Noodle Soup

Many people know that there are many types of Asian noodle soups, such as ramen and udon, but I am here to talk about pho. Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup, with the noodles being made from rice, and they are long, rectangular, and flat, coming in various sizes. The broth is made by soaking chicken and a special mix of herbs for a few hours. The amount of meat that you put in is up to your choice, whether you just like piling on the brisket, or just like no meat in it, the soupcan go both ways and still taste fantastic.

These two things are just the basics for pho, the main thing that adds taste and uniqueness to pho are the garnishes and sauces. The three main sauces that you use to make your pho tastier are usually hoisin sauce, chili sauce, and fish oil, though it might not sound all that good, these are all essential to the taste of the pho. The hoisin sauce make the soup saltier and richer, the chili adds spice for people who love hot foods, and the fish oil adds saltiness to the noodles. For the garnishes, I only like to use sparsely, but pho experienced people, like my mom, just love to pile and pile on the mints and herbs. You would add mint leaves, so the pho would smell good, and add lemon juice to make the soup sweet. All of the mints and herbs however are green and white onions, Thai basil, bean sprouts, many different mints, and chili pepper (I think this is going a little overboard). It takes about 5-6 minutes to finish gathering and collecting the ingredients, but the effects are amazing. The soup should have be a brownish or reddish tinge, depending on whether you put more chili sauce or hoisin sauce, with white rice noodles soaking in your delicious broth, and the light, beckoning scent of the pho and the mint. The taste of pho is something that I cannot describe in words, but something that you should experience yourself.

Early Happy Halloween ^-^
-Chocolate Rabbit


  1. I love Pho! This article makes me really hungry and want to get a big bowl of it!

  2. Asian food is awesome. The noodles make me so hungry.

    By: chopsticks freak

  3. Yes! Pho is soooo yummy! I had some on Sunday! So gooooood!

  4. Pho is the best, i like it with lots of sriracha sauce. What is the best restaurant to get Pho?
    -Chef Boyardee

  5. I usually find pho on the menu with brisket instead of other meats. Is there a reason for this or is it just more common for brisket instead of perhaps chicken, shrimp, or pork?
